In the search bar, type in the title of the work of art in quotes. Example: “The Mona Lisa”
You can also search the social movement the name in quotes.
Include in your search "" or "" or "" which can help narrow your search results to websites with useful information.
Who created the work of art?
When was it created?
Why was it created?
How does the work of art relate to the movement it supports? (Be specific. For example, discuss words from the song or describe characteristics of the photograph.)
Related Social Movement
What was the social movement about?
When did it happen?
Is the movement still significant in U.S. society?
What are or were the goals of the movement?
Has the movement led to the creation of new policies or changes in existing ones?
Be sure to note down the sources of the information you find. Discuss your research with a trusted adult. Talking with someone about the work of art may help you recognize other connections to the social movement.