Respuesta :
because if you dont have topic you cant create a presentation or a project that you will pass to your class,and if you have a topic present it neatly because you presentation or your project will be graded.
Hello! I have created many presentations, and have much experience with them. From my experience, I’ve had a lot of success by focusing on the main point (as the first answer was mentioned above), and making eye contact with the audience. Assuming you’re presenting in front of other students and teachers, focus on slowing your words down, as many people tend to talk faster when their nervous. Try using hand gestures, to help you relax and stay focused. Within all this, make sure your presentation has many supporting points and examples to support your main point your getting across. Adding some light humor isn’t a bad thing either (as long as it is on topic) because it lightens the mood, as everything doesn’t have to be extremely serious all the time!