Respuesta :
Fund balance at ending of year is $3,230,000.
This can be prepared as follows:
Jasmin City
General Fund
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, And Changes in Fund Balance
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
Details $ $
Miscellaneous revenues 180,000
Licenses and permits revenues 1,000,000
Property tax revenues 7,000,000
State and federal grants 2,000,000
Total revenues 10,180,00
Education program expenditures (2,000,000)
Public safety expenditures (4,000,000)
Parks program expenditures (750,000)
Highways program expenditures (900,000)
Total expenditures (7,650,000)
Excess of revenues over exp. 2,530,000
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Transfers to other funds (1,500,000)
Transfers from other funds 700,000
Total other financing sources (uses) 800,000
Net change in fund balance 1,730,000
Fund balance at beginning of year 1,500,000
Fund balance at ending of year 3,230,000