Learning Task 1: Answer the following questions.
1. What is an ecosystem? What are examples of diverse ecosystem?
2. What is a rainforest? Why is rain forest known as the lungs of the
3. What are the major parts of the rainforest? Describe each.
4. What are coral reefs? Where are they found? Why are they important
to marine lives?
5. What are the different types of coral reefs. Describe each.

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1. An example of a diverse ecosystem includes oceans, forests, deserts, grasslands, and wetlands. An ecosystem is an environmental area where people, plants, animals, and microorganisms with appropriate climatic conditions work together to sustain life.

2. Tropical rainforests are often called the “lungs of the planet” because they generally draw in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. But the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb, or produce, varies hugely with year-to-year variations in the climate.

3. Emergent Layer - very sunny because it is the very top.

Canopy Layer - much of the rain is stopped by the thick foliage.

Understory Layer - many vines, dense vegetation, not much light.

Forest Floor - dark, damp, full of many dead leaves, twigs and dead plants.

4. Because of the diversity of life found in the habitats created by corals, reefs are often called the "rainforests of the sea." About 25% of the ocean's fish depend on healthy coral reefs. Fishes and other organisms shelter, find food, reproduce, and rear their young in the many nooks and crannies formed by corals.

5. Scientists generally divide coral reefs into four classes: fringing reefs, barrier reefs, atolls, and patch reefs. Fringing reefs grow near the coastline around islands and continents. They are separated from the shore by narrow, shallow lagoons. Fringing reefs are the most common type of reef that we see