The Qing was the last dynasty of Imperial China and ruled from 1644 to 1912. In the 19th century, the empire went into a decline that it never recovered from.
This decline was brought on by certain factors with internal revolts being one of them. Revolts like the Taiping Rebellion and the Dungan Revolt weakened the empire with millions of deaths. Another factor were foreign powers like the western Europeans and America who were superior to the Chinese in military might. After several wars with the Chinese, they took over land and gained preferential treatment in China that reduced the influence of the government over its own people.
There was also corruption on a massive scale that served to alienate the populace. Capping all that was the conservative leadership of the government especially Empress Dowager Cixi which saw the empire resist change politically, economically and militarily. This led to further defeats for the Chinese and the end of the empire in 1912.