Respuesta :

Explanation ProjectSupreme:

It is the food chain going down to envole.


what is a food chain?

Food chain, in ecology, the sequence of transfers of matter and energy in the form of food from organism to organism

seaweeds -----> crabs ------>herons

step-1: A food chain always starts with a producer This is an organism that makes its own food Most food chains start with a green plant because plants can make their food by photosynthesis

step-2: Second step of a food chain always starts with a omnivore or herbivore  


A herbivore is an animal that gets its energy from eating plants and only plants. Omnivores can also eat parts of plants but generally only the fruits and vegetables produced by fruit bearing plants


An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and animal

step-3: Third step of food chain carnivores or omnivores


carnivore meaning "meat eater is an animal whose food and energy requirements derive solely from animal tissue or meat


An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and animal
