
"Education empowers a person".Elaborate this statement giving examples of personal experience.

Respuesta :

Answer: Education, it is used to indeed empower the minds of those who seek it. An education is a gate way to knowledge, those who find this can see just how education can be beneficial for themselves, other individuals and the world. I remember times that i could thank knowing how to solve problems and puzzles simply due to education. It is needed in this life, used every second of the day, even without us knowing it. Me typing this very second is due to my education, someone taught to me use this keyboard. Speaking, is also due to education, you learn words and phrases simply by being taught. Believe it or not, simple observation  is education, it's self-education.  Thanks to education the world has been advanced many times over, we have grown as a race because of it, it is natural for the human being to be curious, so as a effect to such a cause, we learn.

Explanation: I hope this helps :)