4. Use the information under the Nutrients That the Human Body Needs title to create a multilevel list. Your list should meet these requirements.
a. The first level should be the name of the nutrient.
b. The second level should contain the subheadings “Uses” and “Sources.”
c. The third level should contain the specific information about the second level.

Nutrients That the Human Body Needs
 Uses
 Helps in the growth and development of the body
 Helps in the repair of cells and tissues
 Sources
 Nuts
 Beans
 Eggs
 Uses
 Provides energy for the body
 Helps prevent diseases
 Sources
 Milk products
 Fruit
 Milk
 Uses
 Provides energy for the body
 Helps maintain body temperature
 Sources
 Vegetable oils
 Soybeans
 Salmon