Please read this lab exercise thoroughly, before attempting to write the program.

Write a program that reads the pairs of group number and student count from the text file (user must enter name of file) and:

Displays the number of groups in the file (5 %)
Displays the number of even and odd student count (5%)
Displays the sum of the even student count and the sum of the odd student count as well as the sum of all the student count (5%)
Displays the group numbers of the largest student count and the smallest student count (5 %)
Computes the average of the largest and smallest student count (10 %)
Compute the sum of ALL the digits in the largest student count (i.e. 952 – Sum is 9+5+2 = 16) (15 %)
Assume the contents of the file are as follows but that the pairs of data can change later:

1 25

2 123

3 475

4 61

5 77

6 910

7 234

8 138

9 134

10 95

11 674

12 345

13 31

14 211

15 952

16 873

17 22

18 7

19 876

20 347

21 450

The following is a sample output: User input in red

What is name of the input file? integers.dat

The number of groups in the file is 21

There are 12 odd student count and 9 even student count

The sum of the odd student count is 2645

The sum of the even student count is 4390

The sum of all the student count is 7035

The group number of the largest student count is 15

The group number of the smallest student count is 18

The average of 952 and 7 is 479.5

The sum of all the digits in the largest student count is 16


Use two decimal point precision for the average
To check your code, adjust one of the student count in the file, recompile your code and run again (suggest changing the largest or smallest student count )
Even though there are 21 pairs of numbers in the file, the program should NOT presume there will always be 21 pairs of numbers. In other words, you should not solve this problem by declaring 21 pairs of values. If I choose to use another integers.dat file other than the one provided with the assignment, your program should still work correctly with that file as well. All you can assume is that a series of integers will be read in from the file. Therefore, you need to implement a solution that uses the repetition control structures (for, while, do…while) in the reading and processing of these values to produce your output.

Respuesta :


filename = input("Enter input file? ")

with open(filename, 'r') as data:

num_groups = []

num_counts = []

for line in data:

 cols = line.split()



print("The number of num_groups in the file is "+str(len(num_groups)))

c_even = 0; c_odd = 0; s_odd = 0; s_even = 0

for i in num_counts:

if i%2 == 0:


 s_even = s_even + i



 s_odd = s_odd + i

print("There are "+str(c_odd)+" odd student and "+str(c_even)+" even student")

print("The sum of odd student is "+str(s_odd))

print("The sum of even student is "+str(s_even))

print("The sum of all student is "+str(s_even+s_odd))

max_count = num_groups[num_counts.index(max(num_counts))]

print("The group number of the largest student is "+str(max_count))

min_count = num_groups[num_counts.index(min(num_counts))]

print("The group number of the smallest student is "+str(min_count))

print("The average of "+str(max(num_counts))+" and "+str(min(num_counts))+" is:",end=" ")

print("%.2f" % ((max(num_counts)+min(num_counts))*0.5))  

bigkount = str(max(num_counts))

bigsum = 0

for i in range(len(bigkount)):

bigsum += int(bigkount[i])


print("The sum of all the digits in the largest student is: "+str(bigsum))


The program was written in Python.

Because of the length, I added an attachment where I used comments to explain the lines of the code

Ver imagen MrRoyal