memory is essential to all our lives. without memory of the past, we cannot operate in the present or even think about the future. we would not be able to remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do tomorrow. without memory we could not learn anything. memory gives us thw ability to do all the amazing things that humans are capable of. memories are what help humans continue to progess and develop and grow in life and hopefully learn from past mistakes.
memory does not only hold important knowledge about our lives and our personal attributes and traits it makes us who we are. our memories have so much to do with how we define ourselves, how we do, in fact, remain the same people. thought we go through changes and leanr new things most of us still retain a sense of self. memory has a very big importance to our lives. human memory involves the ability to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced without it we would be lost.