Respuesta :
Following are the solution to the given points:
For point 1:
birthday = "2017-07-14" # defining a string variable birthday that string value
case_id = 'DATACAMP!123-456?' #defining a variable case_id that stores the string value
In this, two variable "birthday and case_id" is defined, that holds the string value. In the first variable, it uses the hyphen sign to hold the date value as a string. In the second variable, it uses a single quoit to store string value.
For point 2:
import pandas as pd # using import package to import pandas
r = pd.read_csv('ransom.csv')# defining r variable that uses pandas to Load the 'ransom.csv' file
print(r)#use print method to print r value
In this code, a pandas package is imported, and in the next step r variable is defined that uses the read method to hold the csv file , and the print method to print r value.
For point 3:
plt.plot(x_values, y_values) # Plot method to hold parameters values the show method
In this code, the plot method is used, which accepts two-parameter to store its value into plt, and in the next step, it uses the show method.
For point 4:
# Defining a plate variable to represents the plate that starts with FRQ
# Using the * to represent the four missing letter
plate = lookup_plate('FRQ*)