DRAFT SPECIFICATION: Written exams at a glance
AO1 = 10 %
AO2 = 17.5%
AO3 = 10%
AO4 = 12.5%
AO5 = 30%
AO6 = 20%
AO1 = 8.75 %
AO2 = 18.75%
AO3 = 7.5%
AO4 = 15%
AO5 = 30%
AO6 = 20%
AO1 = 10 %
AO2 = 20%
AO3 = 7.5%
AO4 = 12.5%
AO5 = 30%
AO6 = 20%
AO1 = 7.5 %
AO2 = 15%
AO3 = 8.75%
AO4 = 18.75%
AO5 = 30%
AO6 = 20%
Paper 1 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
• 80 marks
• 50% of GCSE
Paper 1 Breakdown:
AO1 = 2.5 %
AO2 = 10%
AO3 = N/A
AO4 = 12.5%
AO5 = 15%
AO6 = 10 %
Communicating information and ideas
Written exam: 2 hours
• 80 marks
• 50% of GCSE
Paper 1 Breakdown:
AO1 = 6.25 %
AO2 = 7.5%
AO3 = 3.75%
AO4 = 7.5%
AO5 = 15%
AO6 = 10 %
20th Century Literature Reading and
Creative Prose Writing
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
• 80 marks
• 40% of GCSE
Paper 1 Breakdown:
AO1 = 2.5 %
AO2 = 12.5%
AO3 = 0
AO4 = 5%
AO5 = 12%
AO6 = 8 %
Fiction and Imaginative Writing
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
• 40 marks
• 50% of GCSE
Paper 1 Breakdown:
AO1 = 1.9 %
AO2 = 3.75%
AO3 = 0%
AO4 = 9.37%
AO5 = 15%
AO6 = 10 %
Section A Unseen literature fiction text from
20th or 21st century. Its genre will
be prose fiction. Texts will include
extracts from novels and short
Text: Daphne du Maurier’s Jamaica Inn
Unseen non-fiction texts from the
19th century and either the 20th or
21st century. One text will always
be drawn from the 19th century.
Text 1: Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass, an American Slave. Author:
Frederick Douglass (1845).
Text 2: President Obama’s statement on the
death of Nelson Mandela (2013)
This section will test through
structured questions the reading of
an unseen extract from one 20th
century literary prose text
Text: Ladies' Detective Agency (1998)
Reading: questions on an unseen
19th-century fiction extract.
Text: Edgar Allen Poe’s The Tell-Tale heart
Qu 1 Read again the first part of the source, lines 1 to 7.
List four things from this part of the text about the
weather in Cornwall.
(4 marks)
1 a) Look again at lines 1–9. Give two quotations
which show Douglass’ reactions to what Mr Covey
does. (2 marks)
b) Explain the way Mr Covey’s attitude towards
Douglass changes in lines 1–18 (2 marks)
Read lines 1-9.
A1. List five reasons why Obed Ramotswe went to
South Africa?
(5 marks)
From lines 1 to 5, identify the phrase which explains
why there is no blood on the floor. (1 mark)