Travelers: Sir, smoking is strictly prohibited here, you are in a non-smoking compartment.
Bearded traveler, continuing to smoke: How does that bother you? I'm not bothering anyone.
The travelers, angry: But you bother us all sir! It was necessary to reserve a smoking compartment!
The bearded traveler: And freedom do you know? Individual freedom what do you do with it?
Travelers: You are really in bad faith sir! Don't mix everything up!
The bearded traveler: I am a citizen, I have rights, you don't have to deny me!
Travelers: You have rights, but so do we, and there are laws to respect, he's an honest citizen, and here the law is not to smoke!
The bearded traveler: smile on his face and having just finished his cigarette: you see, you have wasted your time, the time you discuss to say nothing I had time to smoke my cigarette, here we are, we are not talking about it more.