Respuesta :


What was American President Herbert Hoover’s biggest mistake when faced with the Great Depression?


He tried very hard to get America out of the Great Depression. He tried very creative things, and succeeded in making matters oh-so-much-worse.

He was an engineer by training, a businessman at heart, and a gifted diplomat out of need.

But his training was in economics of the business sort, and he did not understand macroeconomics. Not his fault - probably three people in the United States did.

He had heard that people who were out of work had to stay home, and often turned to drink as a solution to their depression. So he invented and promoted a ball game called Hooverball. There are films of him showing staff how to play the game, which was really quite vigorous, healthy and no-contact. Creative!

But he was very much a supply-sider and austerity-minded and protectionist that was simply wrong-headed. He was operating out of his area of expertise, and his advisors’ area of expertise, and used the wrong tools for the wrong problem.


The approval of the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930 which placed tariffs on imported goods was Hoover’s biggest mistake.

