Lio-Ping's uncle was a member of the ruling class, a scholar. His uncle's unusually long fingernails signified an elite status that meant any
kind of vigorous activity was undignified. Lio-Ping loved sports, and yet he admired his uncle very much. Uncle Liu was
childless and owned a large
amount of land. He hired others to do the labor on the land, giving him time for his scholarly pursuits. Lio-Ping dreamed of becoming a scholar
although his immediate family was poor. He was excited because this year he had a chance to go to school instead of working in the fields with his
family. He knew that a childless man of wealth often adopts a bright relative to succeed him, to inherit his fortune and his place in society as a ruler.
Which sentence is implied by the author?
1. Lio-Ping would like to continue to work in the fields because he loved vigorous exercise.
2. Lio-Ping would like to do well at school so his uncle would adopt him and he could become a scholar and a ruler.
3. Lio-Ping would like to play dignified sports and learn to be a farmer and a land owner.
04. Lio-Ping would like to grow his fingernails to signify his elite status as the nephew of a ruler and a scholar.