Correct order of the image is:
- planar perspective
- atmospheric perspective
- color, and
- linear perspective
What is Planar perspective?
Planar perspective mimics how nearby objects frequently overlap farther objects and partially obscure them. In landscapes, the grass in the foreground plane crosses over the trees in the center ground plane, which crosses over the mountain range's plane, which crosses over the sky's farthest plane. Planar perspective is also used when you position the pear in front of the apple in your still life or when you mimic how the model's arm partially covers her breast in a figure drawing.
It almost seems too apparent to say that close items often obscure your perspective of further ones. However, the most effective distance cue you have at your disposal is overlapped forms. Planar perspective was almost solely used by ancient Egyptian and Oriental artists to depict depth in expansive landscapes and intricate multi-figure scenarios.
You must frequently simplify or clarify overlapping shapes in your composition to get good planar perspective. When you are looking at a scene, your body offers you distance signals that the person who is viewing your painting won't have access to.
What is Linear perspective?
Creating the appearance of depth on a flat surface through the use of linear perspective. In a painting or drawing that employs this approach, all orthogonal parallel lines meet at a single vanishing point on the horizon. It is believed that Italian Renaissance builder Filippo Brunelleschi developed linear perspective in 1415, and writer and architect Leon Battista Alberti later recorded it around 1435. Although painters and architects in the ancient Greek and Roman eras were probably aware of linear perspective, there are no records from those times, and the technique was thus forgotten until the 15th century.
Parallel lines, the horizon line, and a vanishing point are the three crucial elements of the linear perspective system. The objects in the compositions are made smaller as they approach the vanishing point, making them appear farther from the viewer. In perspective, three-dimensional objects and spatial relationships are graphically represented on a two-dimensional plane or a plane that is shallower than the original. Some of the first masters of linear perspective are German artist Albrecht and Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Artists created new techniques as the limitations of linear perspective became apparent in order to create the most realistic illusion of space and distance.
To learn more about linear perspective, click here