please answer this i will make you a brainliest ಥ_ಥ

Please choose the sentence that is the main idea of each paragraph.

1. North Americans liked to play games. Their favorite
games were played with stick and a ball, like lacrosse. In
lacrosse the rule is that you can't touch the ball with your
hands. You catch the ball in a net on the end of a stick and
use the stick to throw the ball.

a. Their favorite games were played with stick and a ball, like lacrosse

b. North Americans liked to play games

c. You catch the ball in a net on the end of the stick and use
the stick to throw the ball.

2. Animals have defenses against being eaten, and
so do plants. Plants like milkweeds have strong chemicals but can make animals sick Poison Ivy has oils in its leaves that will give animals an itchy rash. Rose have sharp thorns all over.

a. Animals have defenses against being eaten, and so do

b. Rose have thoms all over.

c. Poison Ivy has oils in its leaves that gives an itchy rash.

3. Yellow jackets, a kind of wasp are normal part of
summer. Their number increased all summer, making them a nuisance by late summer. Colonies' can reach a several thousand individuals Picnic areas especially attractive to them, and yellow jackets will visit these areas regularly.

a. Yellow jackets increase all summer, making them nuisance

b. Yellow jackets are kind of wasp normal every summer.

C. Colonies can reach several thousands.

4. Insect antennae are called "feelers", do much more
than just fee. They help the insect to feel objects, monitor
motion, and detect smells. They let the insect hear, sense moisture and feel heat. They can also interpret a varietyof chemical cues.

a. They help the insect feel object, monitor motion and detect smell

b. Insect antennae are called feelers, do much more than just feel

c. Insect will die if you remove the antennae.

5. James scored 8 points for his baseball team. He
struck out 5 players. He hit two homeruns and drove in six
more runs. Alex was declared the MVP of the game.

a. He struck 5 players

b. James scored 8 points for his baseball team.

c. James was declared the MVP of the game.

Respuesta :


1.a. Their favorite games were played with stick and a ball, like lacrosse

2.a. Animals have defenses against being eaten, and so do


3.a. Yellow jackets increase all summer, making them nuisance

4.b. Insect antennae are called feelers, do much more than just feel

5.c. James was declared the MVP of the game.
