When four-fifths of the most representative men in America are pronounced unfit for war, what shall we say of their fitness to father the next generation? The time was when alcohol was received as a benefit to the race, but we no longer look upon alcohol as a food but as a poison. . . . Alcoholic degeneracy [deterioration] is the most important sanitary [health] question before the country, and yet the health authorities do not take action, as alcohol is entrenched [well established] in politics. Leaders in politics dare not act, as their political destiny lies in the hands of the agents of the liquor traffic. We are face to face with the greatest crisis in our country’s history. –President’s Annual Address to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of Minnesota, Dr. T. Alexander MacNicholl,
Because of the alcohol problem, what does the speaker think we are face to face with?
A) A large shortage of healthy food
B) The fearful prospect of losing a war
C) The greatest crisis in our country’s history
D) A growing problem with sanitary conditions