Respuesta :
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1 (b) The Endangered Species Act
2 (b) In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy is a flight from shame and self-hate
3 (c) In its recent decisions on educational issues, the Supreme Court has been split 5-4 on six occasions.
4 (a) We recall an anecdote about a relative last seen in 1948, and they ask if I still like living in New York City. I go to visit my great-aunts. Questions trail off, answers are abandoned, the baby plays with dust motes in a shaft of afternoon sun. A few of them think now that I am my cousin, or their daughter who died young. I have lived in Los Angeles for three years, but I say that I do. The baby is offered a horehound drop, and I am slipped a dollar bill to "buy a treat."
5 (d) Standing there on the ramp I asked my companion if he knew about the first shipment of airfreight, in 1910. No, he didn't. It was 542 square yards of silk, I said, carried sixty miles from Dayton to Columbus, Ohio. It cost Morehouse-Martens of Columbus $5,000, but they made a profit of more than $1,000 by cutting the fabric up into small pieces and selling them as souvenirs to customers at their dry-goods store.
6 (b) The so-called safety features added to automobiles in the last ten years, in response to requirements by the federal government, have served to increase cost, not safety.
7 (b) Seating capacities of high school gyms and stadiums
8 (e) Introductory paragraph, general paragraph about the history of American photography, paragraph about Matthew Brady and Civil War photography, paragraph about Dorothea Lange and Depression era photography, paragraph about Ansel Adams, paragraph about contemporary U.S. photographers, concluding paragraph
9 (a) Brainstorming, outlining, writing, revising, editing
10 (b) a way to structure your writing in which you move from specific statements to general statements.
11 (c) Strolling, sprinting, swimming
12 (c) monitoring your own thoughts.
13 (b) whenever you have writer's block and need to generate ideas.
14 (a) A controlling idea that consists of a topic and commentary
15 (e) The best perfume advertisements in women's magazines are the Chanel ads.
16 (b) 1, 6, 5, 2, 3, 4
17 (b) There is a custom in the village—I am told it is repeated in many villages—of "buying" African natives for the purpose of converting them to Christianity.
18 (e) All of the above
19 (a) use of another's work
20 About this question, I think it is "which footnote is incorrect?"
(c) Smith, John,The True Story of Pocahontas. Atlanta: Peachtree Press, 2005,
21 (d) One can use the citations to find additional material on a topic.
22 (e) Move it to the conclusion
23 (b) Move it to part 2
24 (e) Move it out completely (omit it)
25 (a) The connection between TV and the Internet