
How many calories are in one gram of each macronutrient?
Fat = 9, carbohydrates = 9, protein = 4
Fat = 11, carbohydrates = 4, protein = 4
Fat = 9, carbohydrates = 4, protein = 4
Fat = 9, carbohydrates = 4, protein = 9

Respuesta :


The calories contained in each gram of macronutrient are: Fat = 9, carbohydrates = 4, protein = 4.


The energy value of food corresponds to the amount of energy, expressed in calories (cal) or kilocalories, that a macronutrient provides to the body that consumes it. The main macronutrients contained in food are :

  • Proteins, which come from the consumption of meat.
  • Carbohydrates, coming from vegetables, cereals, sugar and flours.
  • Lipids, contained in some vegetables, oils and animal fat.

The energy value of each of the macronutrients is:

  • Lipids: 9 cal/gr.
  • Proteins: 4 cal/gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 4 cal/gr.

This energy is released in the body once the metabolism of each nutrient occurs.