If you are truly committed to creating a lifelong learning habit, how can you ensure you are remaining focused on developing this habit? Select an answer: You understand that just because something is interesting, it does not mean you are actually committed to learning. You limit your learning to the area you work in; otherwise you are not truly learning. You have a weekly check-in where you ask yourself what interesting things you have learned over the week. You plan your learning; if you do not, then you are not truly committed to learning.

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You plan your learning; if you do not, then you are not truly committed to learning.


A lifelong learning habit requires planning and commitment. Even if the habit pleases you and it is easy to carry out the tasks necessary to learn, there is a need for planning that includes the necessary goals and objectives so that there is the necessary learning that becomes a positive habit.

It is necessary to stipulate in the planning the details of how the learning will take place, including time, schedules, tasks, etc., that is, the more detailed and specific your planning is, the greater the probability of the commitment to grow and there will be learning for life , indeed.