Explain whether Rachel Arnett's revision of the proposal was in violation of the IMA's Statement of Ethical Professional Practice. Was William Earle in violation of the IMA's Statement of Ethical Professional Practice bt telling Arnett specifically how to revise the proposal

Respuesta :


  • Yes, their modification including its proposal by Rachel Arnett seems to have been an infringement including its declaration of Professional practice by IMA.
  • Yeah, William Earle certainly breached the Professional practice Statement including its IMA.


  • The underlying ethical values of IMA usually involve integrity, justice, accountability, and intellectual honesty. Rachel Arnett breached the Honesty Policy then revised their plan and sent it for acceptance to either the Fore's chairman as well as the investment member of the committee with shareholders through revision.
  • William Earle should've just explained the fact the legislation is changed and whether the problem or failure resides throughout the proposal wouldn't have some mistakes. After that, Mr. William has violated the IMA Declaration of Ethical Standards Codes of Obligation.