Climate change is harming not only the environment but also human health. It has led to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, producing a greenhouse effect. According to ________(blank A)________, this greenhouse effect could have a violent effect on Earth’s climate. A study conducted by the ______(blank B)________ in 1970 indicated that climate change might cause “widespread droughts, changes of the ocean level, and so forth.” ________(blank C)________
also conducted a study in 2004 that revealed that climate change was responsible for the rise in tropical illnesses such as dengue fever and malaria.

Blank A:
1.) Adam's blog, Earth Watch
2.) Noted environmental researcher Roger Revelle
3.) An article in the popular magazine Fashion Now
Blank B:
1.) Local science club
2.) High school students from Riverdale High
3.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Blank C:
1.) Respected historian James Gunn
2.) The World Health Organization
3.) The Young Environmentalists' blog