Write a simple JavaScript function named makeFullName with two parameters named givenName and familyName. The function should return a string that contains the family name, a comma, and the given name. For example, if the function were called like this: var fn = makeFullName("Theodore", "Roosevelt");

Respuesta :




A JavaScript function exists as a block of code created to accomplish a certain task.

What is a JavaScript function?

In JavaScript, functions can also be described as expressions. A JavaScript function exists as a block of code created to accomplish a certain task.

Full Name with two parameters named given Name and family Name

#Program starts here

#Prompt User for Input "given Name and family Name "

given Name = input("Enter Your given Name: ")

family Name = input("Enter Your family Name: ")

#Define Function

def last F(given Name, Family Name):

  given Name = given Name[0]+"."

  print(Last Name+", "+Family Name);

last F(given Name, Family Name) #Call Function

#End of Program

To learn more about JavaScript function
