
Proposition: All men are created and treated equally and justly
Situation: For 10 months students with blond hair were discriminated against. The form of
discrimination that took place was academic and social. Socially, blond haired students were
only granted access to % of the campus, could only socialize with other blond haired students,
were disciplined more severely than their non-blond-haired pupils, could only learn from
teachers with blond hair, had to eat after other non-blond haired students, and were prohibited
from participation in extracurricular activities with other non-blond haired students,
Academically, blond-haired students used books that were outdated, learned in facilities that
were falling apart, were taught by teachers who had not met all of the state requirements to teach
went on fewer field trips, and received less money for extracurricular activities.
Result: 85% of blond-haired students were reading 3 grades below their grade level, 70% of
blond-haired students fell two grade levels behind in math, und 40% of blond-haired students
missed 30% of school days,
Remedy: To fix this problem, school administrators allowed all students equal access to the
campus, equipment, and funding. The administration provided the following programs for only
blond-haired students: extra tutoring for reading and math, extra time on their homework, and
pizza parties for blond-haired students who attended school 90% of the time for one month.
Question: Is the remedy fair? Why or why not

Respuesta :

I think that’s fair because for a long time the blonde hair pupils don’t have access to many things as to other hair color people. So it lead to them having low academics scores and to bring it up to match the other pupils they need awards and extra help to reach the learning goal that others had by default. Therefore making it fair as they didn’t have that extra help in the beginning while others did