Which example illustrates the method of placing the attribution after the borrowed material?
A. The study concludes that a faulty work ethic is not responsible for the OB. "One reason you may have more colds if you hold back tears is that, when
decline in our productivity; quite the contrary, the study identifies “a
you're under stress, your body puts out steroids which affect your immune
widespread commitment among U.S. workers to improve productivity" and system and reduce your resistance to disease," Dr. Broomfield comments
suggests that there are large reservoirs of potential upon which
(Stern 37).
management can draw to improve performance and increase productivity"
(Yankelovich 986)
Oc. In 1896, Woodrow Wilson, who would become Princeton's president in OD. "Whatever happens," he wrote grimly to Engels, "I hope the bourgeoisie
1902, declared, "It is not learning but the spirit of service that will give a as long as they exist will have cause to remember my carbuncles"
college a place in the public annals of the nation" (Boyer 42).
(Johnson 102)