Respuesta :
The historical similarity between the concept of Manifest Destiny in the 1840s and the ideas that motivated European colonists to migrate to North America in the 1600s were based on the same ideology and philosophy. Europeans believed that they were divinely mandated to discover, occupy, and exploit North America and evangelize the continent.
Manifest Destiny was a concept coined and popularized by John O'Sullivan, through which President James Polk even fought the 13-years long Pig War to expand the United States territory westward, including to Oregon. Before this coinage was popularized among European colonists, it had been the standing policy of Europeans, who crossed to the continent, to occupy North America as a divine mandate. How the divine mandate was established remains questionable to date? Even, Native Americans were not spared; instead, many were driven away and many more were slaughtered in the process of this monumental land occupation.
One specific historical similarity between the manifest destiny and the migration to North America in the 1600s was for the settlers to occupy a new area that had been ordained by God.
The manifest destiny is the idea that the US has been ordained by God for the settlers to live in and expand all through North America.
This notion was what led to the Indian removal act. The reason why the European settlers migrated was for them to go to a place where they could serve their God without opposition and for the search of gold.