1. I'll pick Overweight Oscar. One behavior that has contributed to this weight problem is most likely because Oscar is not getting the right amount of exercise each day. Another reason is because he is eating unhealthy foods like a McDonald's burger or IN-N-OUT, junk food, basically, or drinking soft drinks.
2. One suggestion for Oscar is to start exercising daily. For about 20-30 minutes, he should do any desired exercise he wants. Or he can go outside a ride bikes or play things that improve your muscles and decrease your body fat. Another suggestion is to start eating healthier food. It'd be better to check the Nutrition Facts of any type of food he wants before buying it.
3. Oscar's goal is to exercise for about 20-30 minutes a day and to limit the amount of food he is eating. He should start eating healthier foods that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup or food coloring. Soft drinks are put to a limit, as well.