Which of the following is the clearest and most effective sentence?
A. John is a man with a sister who is attractive, and they both went to a party together.
B. The party included attractive females of all ages, and one was a sibling of a man known as John.
C. The sister of John was attractive more than others who attended a party.
D. John's sister was the prettiest girl at the party.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
5. Revision involves
A. checking for correct capitalization.
B. being consistent with paragraph indentation.
C. checking for repeated words and confused words.
D. clarifying purpose and meaning.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
13. Which sentence contains a prepositional phrase?
A. They sang it, then sang it again.
B. With the proper help, they'll complete the project early.
C. They tried, although they didn't expect to win.
D. Running all the way, he got there early.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect