1.) True or False: A heart attack is a serious condition that occur when the artery of the brain breaks or becomes blocked.
2.) Which of the following IS NOT a result of stroke?
A. Hunger
B. Memory Loss
C. Trouble moving
D. Difficulty speaking
3.) Which form of diabetes if the most common?
A. Both are common
B. Type 1
C. Type 3
D. Type 2
4.) Which of the answers is not a way to treat heart disease? *Pick 1*
A. Medication
B. Pacemaker
C. Bypass surgery
D. Sleep
E. Heart transplant
5.) True or False: A healthy blood pressure reading is 120/80.
6.) Which of the following answers IS NOT helpful in treating diabetes?
A. Insulin (shot or pump)
B. Weight management
C. Seeking medical care
D. Healthy eating plan
E. Surgery