I need someone to translate it in a teenage English way my Latina friend needs this and I don't speak Spanish!!!!

esta semana no he hablado con mucha gente porque se acercaba el día de hoy, hoy hace unos años pasaron demasiadas cosas malas en mi vida que la verdad hasta de pensarlo me hacen llorar, el punto aquí es, jugar soccer fue lo único que me distrajo de mi asquerosa vida y me hacía feliz, y hoy justa mente hoy!! el peor día de mi vida, me dicen que no podré jugar fútbol nunca más si quiero volver a caminar, así que perdónenme si no les escribo...solo es un mal momento

Respuesta :

This week I didn't talk to many people because I was approaching today, today a few years ago too many bad things happened in my life that the truth even thinking it makes me cry, the point here is, playing soccer was the only thing that distracted me from my disgusting life and made me happy, and today justly today! The worst day of my life, I'm told I'll never be able to play football again if I want to walk again, so forgive me if I don't write to you...it's just a bad time


English- This week I have not spoken with many people because today was approaching, today a few years ago too many bad things happened in my life that the truth even thinking about it makes me cry, the point here is, playing soccer was the only thing that distracted me of my disgusting life and it made me happy, and today just today !! the worst day of my life, they tell me that I won't be able to play football anymore if I want to walk again, so forgive me if I don't write to you ... it's just a bad time.