Morning Work Test
Week #12
DOL - Correct each sentence. (English Grade:
1. this summer said jack were taking a trip to the west
2. while waiting for the Play to begin, mary said im hungry
3. in this issue if life, there is a article called collecting coins
4. because it rained we did not taked the books to the Library

Respuesta :

A sentence should start with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. Capital letters should also be used for proper nouns, like a person’s name or the name of a country or city and also for the title of a book, film, magazine or article. Any other capital letters should not be there.

Some of these sentences need speech marks. Speech marks go before and after the part that is being spoken and punctuation should go inside the speech marks. For example: “I’m thirsty,” he said, “can I have some water?” Another example would be: As they walked, Bob asked, “Where are we going?”

There are also some typos. In number 1, should it be ‘were taking a trip to the west’ or ‘we’re taking a trip to the west’. Remember we’re means we are. In number 2, ‘im’ is incorrect. In number 3, ‘issue if life’ doesn’t make sense. You also need to think about the use of ‘a’ before ‘article’. ‘A’ is used before a consonant (b, c, d, f, g, etc.) for example ‘a book’, while ‘an’ is used before a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) for example ‘an apple’. Number 4, ‘we did not taked the books’ doesn’t make sense, so you need to change ‘taked’.

This should be everything you need to correct the sentences.