CREATE: Your Savings Goals
We all know that saving money is good for us, but it can be challenging to save regularly. One of the most effective ways to help you save is to set savings goals for yourself and identify ways to keep yourself accountable. In this activity, you’ll identify what your savings goals are, calculate how much you need to save, and write a letter to your future self to help you reach your goals.

Part I: Identify Your Savings Goals

Using post-it notes, small pieces of paper, or a piece of scrap paper, brainstorm specific savings goals you would like to meet. These goals can vary from small (saving for a new pair of sunglasses) to big (saving for college). Aim to come up with at least 15-20 ideas.

Now sort your ideas into three piles:
- Short-term goals: goals you would like to achieve within two months
- Medium-term goals: goals you would like to achieve from within two months to three years
- Long-term goals: goals you would like to achieve three or more years out

Fill out the table below using the piles you created.

Short-Term Goals
< 2 months

Medium-Term Goals
2 months - 3 years

Long-Term Goals
> 3 years

Which goal, in each category, would motivate you most to save? Why?




Let’s say you have a part-time job and you’re able to save $100 per month from your paychecks. How would you distribute the money between your 3 savings goals above? Explain your reasoning.

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