Java Eclipse homework. I need help coding this

Challenge 14A - BaseConverter

Package: chall14A
Class: BaseConverter

Task: Create a program that takes user input as a decimal and converts it to either an octal, binary, or hexadecimal base:

1. Show a title on the screen for the program.
2. Ask the user if they want to run the program.
3. Create a menu for the user to choose the base to convert to.
4. Take decimal (base10) from user and print out the number in the new base.

Respuesta :

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BaseConvertor {


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Welcome to Base Convertor! This program will convert numbers into different bases of your choosing.");

       System.out.print("Do you still want to run the program? ");

       String ans =;

       if (ans.toLowerCase().equals("yes")){

           System.out.println("1. Octal");

           System.out.println("2. Binary");

           System.out.println("3. Hexadecimal");

           System.out.print("Type the number of the base you want to conver to: ");

           int base = scan.nextInt();

           System.out.print("Enter your number: ");

           int num = scan.nextInt();

           if (base == 1){


               String newNum = Integer.toOctalString(num);

               System.out.println(num+" in Octal is "+newNum);


           else if (base == 2){

               String newNum = Integer.toBinaryString(num);

               System.out.println(num+" in Binary is "+newNum);


           else if (base == 3){

               String newNum = Integer.toHexString(num);

               System.out.println(num+" in Hexadecimal is "+newNum);





           System.out.println("Have a good day!");





I hope this helps!