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This is some rough notes i took on the industrial revolution a few years back. Hope it helps.

The industrial revolution was the change of how things were going to be made and how they were going to be sold, or the change of human labor to machine labor.

The industrial revolution started after 1750 and started in England. Other places would industrialise in the mid 1800s. England had 6 reasons to be ahead of everyone else in industrialization. The had more money than anyone else, colonies, Raw Materials, Workers, Trade Markets, and geography. More than half of England's citizens were unemployed so there were plenty of workers for factories.

New sources of energy like steam,oil (gas and Kerosene),water, and Electricity.

Later advances would reveal atomic, wind, and solar energy.

Increased usage of aluminum, copper, iron, and steel.

Coal became the most important mineral.

Textiles were the first to industrialise and many agricultural improvements were made.

Better Ships, Trains, and automobiles were made that improved transportation.

New means of communication were made like the (telegraph).  .../ / /…= SOS

Telephones and radios were also made that improved communication.

Mass production starts and it makes more stuff faster than normal home businesses.

Urbanisation was people leaving rural, farming places into cities.

Capitalism is a free market economy.

Factory system replaced the domestic system.


The Industrial Revolution brought factories that made many new jobs for citizens. Most farmers were subsistence farmers and could only make enough food for themselves and could not make money. New jobes used wages to pay workers that played them every week or every other week and that was much better. The factory jobs required them to work for a smaller amount of time every day. They can now buy food instead of making it. The pay was low and they also had to pay for food and rent in apartments that the factory owners owned. Working conditions were poor and it was much hotter inside than outside.

The factories could hire women to work and pay them less than a man, women didn’t have many jobs. Work regulations were put into factories and they had to have windows and women had to tie their hair back. Some factories hired children and they could be used to fix things and had to stick their hands in dangerous machines without them being turned off. They also sent children into coal mines because they were smaller. The apartments were small and there could be 4-5 families in a room. Many advancements in agriculture rise. Many Labor problems started and the idea of socialism was started by a man named Karl Marx.Socialism was supposed to be for the worker class. Socialism makes all businesses owned by the government but Karl Marx believed in Communism which had no social classes. In communism everyone is paid the same no matter what they do. The government gives you all of your stuff in communism including your home.