Need help Asap. match the characters with the archetype.
1. Anne Frank
2. Otto Frank
3. Edith Frank
4. Margot Frank
5. Peter Van Daan
6. Mrs. Van Daan
7. Mr.Vann Daan

Overly patient husband :man who tends to put up with an emotionally dramatic or eccentric spouse.

Peacemaker: Character who tries to be the voice of peace and reason.

Nice Guy: The guy who swears he's nice but really isn't. His motivations tend to be selfish and lazy in nature.

Mother/Matriarch: A character archetype of nurturing women who offers guidance and comfort in hard times. Alternatively she can displayed as overbearing, evil,and manipulative.

Harsh Judge: Their decision is harsh and swift, sometimes regardless of the evidence.

Rival: Rather than operating as negative influences,they tend to motivate each other to be better.

Rebel: Breaks barriers that restrict the human spirit. Discover a creative, dynamic, and productive way to make their voice heard. ​