Respuesta :
Answer:¿De qué trata la película?
la pelicula se trata de unos personajes que tienen una vida algo sobrecargada algo muy muy pesada George y Linda desgraciadamente pierden sus trabajos por lo que no tienen muchas opciones George y Linda viven en Manhattan como recordamos George y Linda no tinen muchas opciones solo tienen pocas una de esas opciones son de irse a vivir a Atlanta y quedarse con el hermano de George Rick. Su hermano no lo queria porque el siempre era egocentrico. En el camino se encontraron un bead and breakfast llamado Elysium (Elysium resuta ser una comunidad muy hippie sabiamos que George y Linda no se consideraban hippies habia la opcion de quedarse alli o irse con el hermano de George.Al final Linda y george deciden irse de la comunidad hippie porque ni siquiera habia un poco de privacidad no existia ni siquiera la fidelidad haci que dicidieron irse con el hermano de George al pasar un poco de tiempo alli Linda y george se dieron cuenta que era peor vivir alli que en Elysiumpor lo que se fueron otra vez a Elysium y acostumbrarse a la forma de vida de ellos.
Explanation on English
the film is about characters who have a somewhat overloaded life something very very heavy George and Linda unfortunately lose their jobs so they do not have many options George and Linda live in Manhattan as we remember George and Linda do not have many options they only have few one One of those options is to move to Atlanta and stay with George Rick's brother. His brother didn't want him because he was always self-centered. Along the way they found a bead and breakfast called Elysium (Elysium turns out to be a very hippie community, we knew that George and Linda did not consider themselves hippies, there was the option of staying there or going with George's brother, in the end Linda and George decided to leave the hippie community because there was not even a little privacy there was not even fidelity so they decided to go with George's brother after spending a little time there Linda and George realized that it was worse to live there than in Elysiumpor what they know They went back to Elysium and got used to their way of life.