Step 1: Prepare for the project.
a) Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.
b) If there is anything that is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher.
Step 2: Research four resources in your community for mental, emotional, and social health.
a) Visit your school counselor to obtain reliable resources.
b) Look for resources through the US Department of Health and Human Services’ website.
c) Collect information from each source to complete your blog post. Include
i. the goal of the organization.
ii. the services provided.
iii. the benefits of the services provided.
iv. the importance in the community.
v. the contact information.
Step 3: Create a blog post highlighting four community resources.
a) The blog post should include the following information for each of the four resources:
i. Why the resource is a reliable or good resource
ii. The benefits a person could receive at the resource
iii. Why this resource is important to the community
iv. Contact information for each resource

b) The blog post should include engaging elements such as images, headings and subheadings,
links, etc.
c) The blog post should use langauge appropriate to the topic and purpose

Respuesta :


today we're gonna talk about the resources in my community, mental health and social health problems

in my community, our assembly manager is really good when it comes to our needs,he makes sure the community doesn't lack anything important to us

those people who are mentally ill are sent to the hospital for treatment and they really enjoy being at the hospital because of the environment around them.



A research resource in a community of the United States of America for mental, emotional, and social health is Trauma Response And Crisis Care (TRACC).

What is a research topic?

A research topic can be defined as an issue, event or subject that a researcher is keenly interested in, when conducting a research.

The four research resources in a community of the United States of America for mental, emotional, and social health include the following:

  • Social Thinking
  • Trauma Response And Crisis Care (TRACC).
  • National Sui-cide Prevention Lifeline.
  • Connecticut Children’s.

In conclusion, you can obtain information from the aforementioned reliable sources to create your blog post.

Read more on social health here: