Produce an instructional document reviewing the "do's and don'ts" of the love potion. It should be a how-to guide explaining how to use the magic of the love potion without ruining the lives of those it affects. Include a reader-friendly format, such as bulleted and numbered lists where appropriate, any supporting visuals, and brief chunks of easy to understand information. Maintain a tone that is consistent for your perspective (as Puck) and for your audience (fairies). Your document should be at least 100 words in length.

Respuesta :


1.) Find all the ingredients you need.

 a.) 1 cup water.

 b.) 1 dash of wildflower.

 c.) 1 handful of frog legs

 d.) 2 cups of ground-up bark from a willow tree

 e.) 8 legs of a black widow

2.) put all ingredients together in a cauldron of boiling water

 a.) mix legs separately with water and a cup of ground-up bark.

 b.) once mixed put them all together.

 c.) let boil while stirring frequently for 2 hours.

3.) once finished, divide the potion into 20 clear glass flasks.

4.) throw the flask at your target (aim for the groin if it's a guy, chest for a girl. hit these areas for best effects) make sure the top is off of the flask so the potion splashes them.


Do's and Dont's of The Love Potion:

First, a quick how-to create the potion:

1. Prepare your ingredients and a large mixing bowl or cauldron.

a.) 1 cup of water

b.) A dash, and ONLY a dash, of wild flower.

c.) A handful of legs, specifically of those belonging to frogs.

d.) 2 cups of ground up willow tree bark (NO OTHER TREE)

e.) 8 more legs, but those belonging to the black widow spider

2. Mix all of the ingredients together in your bowl or cauldron. Make sure the water is boiling!

a.) Mix the frog and black widow legs together separately with boiling water and the ground up willow tree bark.

b.) Once mixed, put the rest of the ingredients in.

c.) Let boil while stirring frequently for 2 hours.

3. Once finished and cooled, pour into single (or multiple) flasks for easy access.


- Only take 3 drops!

- When creating and mixing, only add a dash of the flower, otherwise the potion will be too strong and could kill you.

- Be very precise when creating the potion, otherwise it WILL NOT work.


- DO NOT take more than 3 drops, otherwise, you'll fall head over heels, quite literally.

- DO NOT take if allergic to ingredients:  

- DO NOT put anywhere other than the eyelids.

- DO NOT take if you are easily irritated to any of the ingredients, especially the black widow legs.


You're welcome.