Def: a noun, a vehicle's capacity to gain speed within a short time.
Ex: the acceleration of the car was high because the gas was just filled.
Non ex: acceleration cannot be defined as gravity to an object such as an apple.
Def: a noun, the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
Ex: the atmosphere is so dense I cannot breathe.
Non ex: an atmosphere cannot be described as air in a jar or inside an object.
Def: a noun, the state or condition of physical touching.
Ex: I love when we make contact because it reminds me of when we first met.
Non ex: contact cannot be used as a mentality, it is physical
Def: a noun, the planet on which we live; the world. (Girl come on this one aint that hard)
Ex: I love living on earth because I can breathe both nitrogen and oxygen and survive.
Non ex: earth is the place we live do not confuse it with mars or Uranus
Def: a noun, strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
Ex: may the force be with you obi one kenobi
Non ex: force is not a light tap it is a harsh push
Frame of reference-
Def: a noun, a set of criteria or stated values in relation to which measurements or judgments can be made.
Ex: he interprets what he sees in terms of his own cultural frame of reference
Non ex: frame of reference cannot be determined when an object is not moving
Def: a noun, the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
Ex: when we touched, the friction was so hot (jk don’t say that. Say: there’s no friction between the moon and earth because of their orbit)
Non ex: friction cannot be determined when two objects (or people lol) are not in physical contact
Kinetic energy-
Def: a noun, energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
Ex: the horse was running in which kinetic energy was made.
Non ex: kinetic energy is only when something is moving so a still object does not have kinetic energy
Kinetic friction-
Def: noun, a force that acts between moving surfaces
Ex: the kinetic friction occurred because of the two soccer balls that hit.
Non ex: kinetic friction is not when two things aren’t moving.
Bro hope that helped but do your hw because this is simple stuff. If you don’t mark as brainliest im reporting