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Objective: Create an
annotated timeline outlining the major events in the evolution of computing, from the
first computing tools to the computers we use today. This timeline will display and explain the relevant
events of the era and help viewers to see the change over time, and demonstrate your knowledge and
understanding of the topic.
1. Use a computer program of some type (app. program, etc.). What you use is up to you. Be creative.
And, you may not present in a PowerPoint, unless you integrate the PowerPoint with some other
program. Talk to your instructor if you have questions.
2. Your theme will be "Major Events in the Evolution of Computing - from Ancient Times to Today," and
should include events from each of the five eras of computing. These eras are pre-history, mechanical,
electronic, mini/micro, and Al.
3. For each item, you should include the date (as specific as possible), a description of the
event/machine, people involved, and its Importance/significance to the theme.
4. Present your information and the events on a timeline. Some options include a blog or vlog.
enhanced podcast or video, a Prezi with each page dedicated to a different event, a website with
Weebly or Google Sites, an enhanced podcast with iMovie, stop motion video, or many others. Check
with your instructor if you have an idea you're not sure about.
5. For at least 10 events, include an image that helps to explain the event. You should get the visual from
the Internet (e.g. political cartoons, photographs, portraits, charts), but should also remember that you
must source any images or information. (Google Images is not a source.) Use EasyBib or NoodleTools
for accurate citations.
6. Include at least 20 events, with at least four from each era of computing. I'm providing 10 you
MUST do, and you can choose the other 10 on your own based on what you think is most important to
the development computers as we see them today.
San out

dit View Tools Help Objective Create an annotated timeline outlining the major events in the evolution of computing from the first computing tools to the comput class=