Here we have a program which is calling the subtract function to calculate the difference between two numbers. The value from the subtract function is being stored in a variable called answer. Then answer is being displayed.

Code is not executing as expected. Instead of seeing the answer, we are seeing the word "None."
Modify the code within the subtract function so the value for solution is returned when the function is called. When you are finished, the output should Desired Output.

# Define the subtraction function
def subtraction(minuend, subtrahend):
solution = minuend-subtrahend

# Call the subtraction function
subtraction(4, 10)

desired output:

10 minus 4 equals 6

Respuesta :


See explanation



The above program that subtracts two numbers and returns the result


Modify the source code to run perfectly

When the given program is tested, it displays

4 minus 10 equals -6

Which is different from the expected output of

10 minus 4 equals 6


solution = minuend-subtrahend


solution = subtrahend  - minuend

And that does it.