Donne le cadeau.– Give the gift.
Regardez l’image! –Look at the picture!
Ecoutons la chanson. – Let’s listen to the song.
Finissez la page. – Finish the page
Allons au collège. – Let’s go to college.
Commencez le travail. – Start the (your) work.
Lis l’article(tu) – Read the article
Lisons le paragraphe.– Let’s read the paragraph.
Réponde à la question. – Answer the question.
Passe l’aspirateur.– Vacuum or Use the vacuum.
Range ta chambre. – Clean up your room. (Arrange, Organize)
Sortons les poubelles. – Let’s empty the wastebaskets.
Achetez des provisions. – Buy some supplies.
Dessinons une personne.– Let’s draw a person
Jouez du violon. – You play the violin
Mémorise les verbes. – Memorize the verbs (words)
The imperative ending used with (tu) for -er verbs is -e
For -re verbs, drop the -re and add s, -sons for nous
For -ir verbs drop the ir and add -issez for vous