Create a class in that holds data about a job applicant. Include a name, a phone number, and four Boolean fields that represent whether the applicant is skilled in each of the following areas: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and graphics. Include a constructor that accepts values for each of the fields. Also include a get method for each field. The get method should be the field name prefixed with 'get'. For example, the get method for name should be called getName. Create an application in that instantiates several job applicant objects and pass each in turn to a Boolean method named isQualified that determines whether each applicant is qualified for an interview. Then, in the main() method, display an appropriate method for each applicant. A qualified applicant has at least three of the four skills.

Respuesta :


// Here is

public class JobApplicant {   // class name

private String name;   // String type private data member/field to hold name of the applicant

private String phoneNum;  // String type private data member to hold phone number of the applicant

private boolean word;  // boolean private data member to check the word processing skill of applicant

private boolean spreadsheet;  // boolean private data member to check the spreadsheets skill of applicant

private boolean database;  // boolean private data member to check the database skill of applicant

private boolean graphics;  // boolean private data member to check the graphics skill of applicant

public JobApplicant(String name, String phNum, boolean wrd, boolean sprdsht, boolean db, boolean graph){  //parameterized constructor that accepts values for each of the fields = name;  

this.phoneNum = phNum;  

this.word = wrd;  

this.spreadsheet = sprdsht;

this.database = db; = graph;  }  

public String getName() {  //accessor get method for name field

return name;  }  

public String getPhoneNum() {   //accessor get method for phoneNum field

return phoneNum;  }  

public boolean getWord() {   //accessor get method for word skill

return word;  }

public boolean getSpreadsheet() {   //accessor method for spreadsheet skill

return spreadsheet;  }

public boolean getDatabase() {   //accessor get method for database skill

return database;  }

public boolean getGraphics() {   //accessor get method for graphics skill

return graphics;   }  }



// Here is the

public class TestJobApplicants {   // class name

public static void main(String[] args) {  //start of main() function

JobApplicant applicant1 = new JobApplicant("applicant1", "123", true, true, true, false);  //creates object of JobApplicant class named applicant1 and instantiate it by using constructor of JobApplicant. Here the name field is set to applicant1, phoneNum is 123, the skills word, spreadsheet and database is set to true while skill graphics is set to false

JobApplicant applicant2 = new JobApplicant("applicant2", "456", true, true, true, true);  //creates another object i.e. applicant2 of JobApplicant class and passes values of each field of the class to the constructor of class

JobApplicant applicant3 = new JobApplicant("applicant3", "789", true, false, false, true);  //creates another object for other applicant i.e. applicant23 of JobApplicant class and passes values for each field of the class using constructor of class

isQualified(applicant1);  //calls isQualified boolean method by passing object applicant1 to it in order to determine whether applicant is qualified for an interview

isQualified(applicant2);  //calls isQualified method to determine whether applicant2 is qualified for an interview

isQualified(applicant3); }   //calls isQualified method to determine whether applicant3 is qualified for an interview

public static boolean isQualified(JobApplicant applicant) {  //boolean method to determine if applicant is qualified for interview

 int skills = 0;  //initializes the skills count to 0

 boolean isQualified;  //boolean variable whose value determines if applicant is qualified for interview

 final int requireSkills = 3;  //at least 3 skills are required so the maximum value of skills is 3 and this is assigned to requireSkills variable

 if(applicant.getWord())  /*The applicant object is used to call method getWord() which returns the current value of word field (true/false) for the current applicant and if condition checks if applicant has word processing skills. */

  skills++;  //add 1 to the count of skills when above if condition evaluates to true

 if(applicant.getSpreadsheet())  //if applicant has spreadsheet skills

  skills++;  //add 1 to the count of skills

 if(applicant.getDatabase())  //if applicant has database skills

  skills++;  //add 1 to the count of skills

 if(applicant.getGraphics())  //if applicant has graphics skills

  skills++; //add 1 to the count of skills

 if(skills >= requireSkills){  //if the skills count is at least 3 or more

  isQualified = true;  //value of isQualified is set to true when above if condition evaluates to true which means the user is qualified for interview

System.out.println(applicant.getName()+ " is qualified for interview!");}  //displays this message if isQualified is true

 else  //if the value of skills is less than 3

 { isQualified = false;  // isQualified is set to false which means the user is not qualified for interview

System.out.println(applicant.getName()+" is not qualified for interview!");}  //displays this message if isQualified is false

  return isQualified;   }  } //returns the value of isQualified (true/false)

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