Respuesta :
vSECTION 1. The following-described authority and functions shall be exercised or performed by the Federal Civil Defense Administrator:
(a) The authority conferred upon the President by section 3 of the act to direct Federal agencies to provide assistance in major disasters.
(b) The authority conferred upon the President by section 5 (a) of the act to coordinate the activities of Federal agencies in providing disaster assistance, and to direct any Federal agency to utilize its available personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, and other resources, in accordance with the authority contained in the act.
(c) The preparation of proposed rules and regulations for the consideration of the President and issuance by him under section 5 (b) of the act.
(d) The preparation of the annual and supplemental reports provided for by section 8 of the act for the consideration of the President and transmittal by him to the Congress.
SEC. 2. In order to further the most effective utilization of the personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, and other resources of Federal agencies pursuant to the act during a major disaster, such agencies shall form time to time make suitable plans and preparations in anticipation of their responsibilities in the event of a major disaster. The Federal Civil Defense Administrator shall coordinate on behalf of the President such plans and preparations.
SEC. 3. To the extent authorized by the act, the Federal Civil Defense Administrator shall foster the development of such State and local organizations and plans as may be necessary to cope with major disasters.
SEC. 4. Nothing in this order shall be construed to prevent any Federal agency from affording such assistance and taking such other action as may accord with the existing policies, practices, or statutory authority of such agency in the event of any disaster which will not permit delay in the commencement of Federal assistance or other Federal action, and pending the determination of the President whether the disaster is a major disaster: Provided, that such assistance and such other action shall be subject to coordination by the Federal Civil Defense Administration, acting on behalf of the President.
SEC. 5. The Federal Civil Defense Administrator may delegate any authority or function delegated or assigned to him by the provisions of this order to any other officer or officers of the Federal Civil Defense Administration or, with the consent of the head thereof, to any other Federal agency.
SEC. 6. Federal disaster relief provided under this act shall be deemed to be supplementary to relief afforded by State, local, or private agencies and not in substitution therefore; Federal financial contributions for disaster relief shall be conditioned upon reasonable State and local expenditures for such relief; the limited responsibility of the federal Government for disaster relief shall be made clear to state and local agencies concerned; and the States shall be encouraged to provide funds which will be available for disaster relief purposes.
SEC. 7. As used herein, the terms "major disaster" and "Federal agency" shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the act.
SEC. 8. So much of the records of the Housing and Home Finance Agency relating to the activities delegated by Executive Order No. 10221 as the Housing Home Finance Administrator and the Federal Civil Defense Administrator shall jointly determine shall be transferred to the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
SEC. 9. Executive Order No. 10221 of March 2, 1951 (16 F.R. 2051), is hereby revoked, Provided, That the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to carry out and complete all activities, including reports thereon, provided for by that order in connection with any disaster determined, in accordance with the provisions of the act and prior to the effective date of this order, to be major disaster: And provided further, That the Housing and Home Finance Administrator shall prepare the annual and supplemental reports provided for by section 8 of the act for the calendar year 1952 for the consideration of the President and transmittal by him to the Congress.
SEC.10. This order shall become effective January 16, 1953.