The speech Winston Churchill delivered in 1946 was called “The Sinews of Peace.”. a. Sinews is another word for a tendon or ligament, something that binds the body together. b. What message do you think Churchill wanted to send by using that title? c. The war was over and peace would prevail with the help of the United Nations. d. Peace was fragile and war threatened all of Europe. e. Nations of the world needed to be bound together in their quest for peace.

Respuesta :

A is true, that is the definition of a sinew. B. He wanted to show that sinews can hold together strong states which are like strong tendons and ligaments and there can be peace. C is true. After the league of nations failed after WW1, the United Nations were a must after WW2. D is also true. People were afraid of the spread of communism and what would happen now between the eastern and the western block. E is true, they were bound in the institution that is the UN.

The correct answer is:  He believed that the world needed to work together for peace.