You have the opportunity to meet some droids and Wookies!

Prompt the user for their name, then how many droids, and then how many Wookies they want to meet. Print out the name that was given, as well as how many droids and Wookies they wanted to meet.

Respuesta :


name = input("Enter name: ")

droids = int(input("How many droids you want to meet? "))

wookies = int(input("How many Wookies you want to meet? "))


print(name + " wants to meet " + str(droids) + " droids, and " + str(wookies) + " Wookies")


*The code is in Python.

Ask the user to enter the name, number of the droids and number of the Wookies

Print the name, number of the droids, and number of the Wookies

Note that while getting the input for the droids and wookies, you need to typecast the input the int (Since the values are int). Also, to print these variables, you need to typecast them as string in that format.

The program is a sequential program, and does not require loops and conditions

The program in Python where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This prompts the user for name

userName = input("Name: ")

#This prompts the user for number of droids

numDroids = int(input("Droids: "))

#This prompts the user for number of wookies

numWookies = int(input("Wookies: "))

#This prints the output

Read more about sequential programs at: