You want to chose people who will take the group seriously Is this classmate motivated to do well? Do they really want to come and learn or just to hang out? Does this classmate understand the subject matter? Everyone needs help at some point, but you don’t want to include people who are just looking for someone else to do the work for them. Is this classmate dependable? If you are assigning various sections or chapters to people, you want to make sure everyone will do their part. Would this classmate be tolerant of the ideas of others? You want people who are going to take part in discussions without making other feel bad if they don’t understand something. “I can’t believe you don’t’ know that?” or How crazy are you? Having someone like that defeats the purpose of coming together to learn and support each other. Would you like to work with this classmate? If you just don’t’ like someone, don’t invite them to join the group. You wont be able to focus on getting work done if you are distracted by annoying mean people.
sample response on edge. :)