Sustainability and ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems are helping companies track their energy consumption. SAP and Walmart are not only teaming up for the implementation of the retail giant’s financial software, but they are also promoting a unified front on sustainability—focusing on reducing pollution while increasing profits—through the use of ERP software. Many SAP customers have cut energy usage; for example, 7-Eleven reduced its cooling energy usage by 12 percent, Dannon cut its fuel costs by 22 percent with better management of its transportation system, all through the use of enhanced information from their ERP system. Companies can use the software to track and report on their energy consumption; however, in order to make changes, a company must determine the baseline of its energy consumption. For instance, Walmart was surprised to find that only 8 percent of its carbon footprint was under the direct control of the company, the remaining 92 percent was in the company’s supply chain. Since 85 percent of Walmart’s suppliers run SAP, Walmart saw an opportunity to encourage energy savings on the part of the companies that supply the Walmart stores. SAP sustainability software application allows Walmart and its suppliers to track their energy usage, emissions, and consumption of other natural resources.