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Bulimia nervosa is similar in many ways because the individual is obsessed with their weight and wants to continuously lose weight to achieve their idea of a 'perfect' body shape. But with bulimia, there are periods of binging and purging. This means that the individual with bulimia may go through a period where they eat an excessive amount of food and then purge by using exercise, medications or vomiting to get rid of the food.
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Anorexia disease is a disease where you eat to little and you exercise for long periods of time. They feel over weight when they are actually underweight. They weight themselves and restrict the food they eat. People with anorexia die from starvation. Bulimia disease is when people eat too much food. They do forced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, fasting, excessive exercise, or a combination of these behaviors. They have normal weight.